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74 Series Logic Integrated Circuit

Rangkaian Terpadu Logika Digital 7400-Series. Dibuat oleh Texas Instruments dengan awalan "SN" untuk menciptakan SN74xx. Produsen telah merilis perangkat kompatibel Pin-to-Pin 74xx untuk mengidentifikasi. Produsen berbeda menggunakan prefiks yang berbeda atau tanpa awalan sama sekali.

Logika TTL Rentang Suhu Spesifikasi Militer diawali 54 bukan 74. Perangkat digunakan banyak aplikasi. 7400 chip umumnya 14-Pin / Paket DIP 16-Pin. Chip memiliki nama tercetak "74HC132", menggambarkan Logika dan Fungsi.

Kode dua huruf dan merupakan kode produsen yang diberikan.
SN digunakan oleh Texas Instruments.
Kisaran Suhu
 74  Menunjukkan Komersial (0° C hingga 70° C )
 54  Menunjukkan Militer (-55° C hingga +125° C).
Seri Logika
7400 seri dasar, tetapi ada banyak lagi yang didefinisikan di atas.
Menunjukkan Fungsi / Tipe perangkat. Perangkat 04 adalah Hex Inverter, dll.
Kode paket
Merujuk ke lembar data produsen karena kode bervariasi antara produsen.

Catu Daya

Pin-7   adalah Ground (GND)
Pin-14 adalah Catu Daya +5V.

Pengecualian seperti 7490.

2.0V - lebih Tinggi Logika "1"
0.8V - lebih Rendah Logika "0"

Seri 74xx Tahap Keluaran

Totem Pole:
Format Output Standar untuk 7400 Chip Logika. Terdiri dari dua transistor dan memungkinkan waktu peralihan yang sangat cepat untuk dicapai.

Open Collector:
Bentuk Output memiliki satu transistor dengan emiternya terhubung ke 0V. Beban eksternal dihubungkan antara output, yaitu kolektor transistor dan 5V. Banyak aplikasi, Kecepatan peralihan dan tergantung pengaruh eksternal.

Bentuk Output memiliki tiga keadaan. Mampu memberikan output tinggi dan rendah dari normal. Untuk menonaktif kan Output sehingga tidak berpengaruh pada jalur. Keadaan sirkuit terbuka atau mengambang.

74Lxx    - TTL Daya Rendah (1/10 kecepatan, 1/10 kekuatan TTL "Biasa")
74Hxx   - TTL Berkecepatan tinggi (dua kali lebih cepat,
                   Kekuatan dua kali lebih banyak)
74Sxx    - Schottky TTL (untuk penggunaan High Frequency)
74LSxx - Kombinasi Daya Rendah & Schottky, Kecepatan yang sama 
                  Dengan TTL biasa, tetapi pada 1/5 konsumsi daya

Seri 74xx Sirkuit Terpadu

 - Monostable Multivibrator

Multivibrators Monostable
Menggunakan IC dua Logika 2-input “NOR” Gates.

Generator Pulsa Monostable, menggunakan IC khusus 74LS121 Satu Tembakan Multivibrator Monostable atau 74LS123 yang dapat dipicu. Menghasilkan lebar pulsa output dari serendah 40 nanodetik hingga 28 detik dengan dua komponen timing RC eksternal dan lebar pulsa  T = 0,69RC dalam hitungan detik.

 - Dual Monostable Multivibrator, 
   Schmitt-Trigger Input

 - Octal 3-State Non-inverting Bus Transceiver

Transceiver menggunakan Back-to-Back Tri-State Buffer untuk menghubungkan perangkat yang berbeda ke data berbagi bus komunikasi umum di kedua arah.

Transceiver untuk kontrol dua arah, input atau output, dari perangkat digital atau analog ke bus data bersama. Tidak seperti buffer, Transceiver adalah perangkat dua arah yang memungkinkan data mengalir melalui keduanya.

Dua Buffer IC Tri-State digunakan adalah TTL 74LS125 dan TTL 74LS126.
Buffer tiga keadaan membutuhkan dua input. Input Data (A) dan Kontrol atau Input Aktifkan (EN). 

Tri-state Buffer Controlmemungkinkan beberapa perangkat untuk berbagi jalur output atau bus dengan memiliki satu perangkat tri-state menggerakkan bus pada waktu sementara, Semua buffer lain tetap dalam keadaan Hi-Z.

74LS244 Octal Tri-state Buffer

 - Hex Bus Line Drivers

 - 8-Bit Inverting Line Driver

 - Voltage Controlled Oscilator
Osilator dengan Sinyal Output yang dapat divariasikan melalui suatu jangkauan, yang dikendalikan oleh tegangan DC input. Osilator yang frekuensi outputnya langsung berhubungan dengan tegangan pada inputnya. Frekuensi Osilasi bervariasi dari Hertz hingga Ratusan GHz.

Oscillator Dikendalikan Tegangan (VCO), Versi perbaikan dari keluarga VCO asli: SN54LS124, SN54LS324 melalui SN54LS327, SN74LS124, dan SN74LS324 melalui SN74LS327. Meningkatkan Linearitas, Rentang, dan Kompensasi Tegangan-ke-Frekuensi. Pengecualian 'LS624 dan 'LS628, menampilkan dua VCO independen dalam satu Chip Monolitik.

74 Series Logic Integrated Circuit

74LS00 - Quad 2-Input NAND Gate
74LS01 - Quad 2-Input NAND Gate; Open Collector Outputs
74LS02 - Quad 2-Input NOR Gate
74LS03 - Quad 2-Input NAND Gate; Open Collector Outputs
74LS04 - Hex Inverter
74LS05 - Hex Inverter; Open Collector Outputs
74LS06 - Hex Inverter; Open Collector High Voltage Outputs
74LS07 - Hex Buffer; Open Collector High Voltage Outputs
74LS08 - Quad 2-Input AND Gate
74LS09 - Quad 2-Input AND Gate; Open Collector Outputs
74LS10 - Triple 3-Input NAND Gate
74LS11 - Triple 3-Input AND Gate
74LS12 - Triple 3-Input NAND Gate; Open Collector Outputs
74LS13 - Dual 4-Input NAND Schmitt Triggers
74LS14 - Hex Schmitt-Trigger Inverter
74LS15 - Triple 3-Input AND Gate; Open Collector Outputs
74LS16 - Hex Inverter; Open Collector 15V Outputs
74LS17 - Hex Driver; Open Collector 15V Outputs
74LS19 - NAND Schmitt Trigger; Totem Pole Output
74LS20 - Dual 4-Input NAND Gate
74LS21 - Dual 4-Input AND Gate; Open Collector Outputs
74LS22 - Dual 4-Input NAND Gate; Open Collector Outputs
74LS23 - 2x Four input NOR with Strobe
74LS25 - 2x Four input NOR with Strobe
74LS26 - Quad 2-Input NAND Gate; OC (15V)
74LS27 - Triple 3-Input NOR Gate
74LS28 - Quad 2-Input NOR Gates
74LS30 - 8-Input NAND Gate
74LS31 - Delay Element
74LS32 - Quad 2-Input OR Gate
74LS33 - Quad 2-Input NOR Gate; Open Collector Outputs
74LS37 - Quad 2-Input NAND Gates
74LS38 - Quad 2-Input NAND Gates; Open Collector Outputs
74LS39 - 4x Two input NAND, Open collector
74LS40 - Dual 4-Input NAND Gates
74LS42 - BCD to DECIMAL Decoder
74LS45 - Four-to-Ten (BCD to Decimal) DECODER, High current
74LS46 - BCD to 7-Segment DECODER, Open Collector, Leading zero handling
74LS47 - BCD to 7-Segment Decoder; Open Collector Outputs (15V)
74LS48 - BCD to 7-Seg Decoder; Outputs Active high
74LS49 - BCD to 7-Seg Decoder-Outputs Active High
74LS50 - 2x (Two input AND) NOR (Two input AND), expandable

74LS51 - Dual AND-OR-INVERT Gates
74LS53 - NOR of Four Two input ANDs, expandable
74LS54 - 4-Wide AND-OR-INVERT Gate
74LS55 - 4-Wide; 2-Input AND-OR-INVERT Gate
74LS56 - Frequency Divider
74LS57 - Frequency Divider
74LS64 - 4-3-2-2 AND-OR-INVERT
74LS65 - 4-3-2-2 AND-OR-INVERT
74LS68 - Dual 4-Bit Decade or Binary Counter
74LS69 - Dual 4-Bit Decade or Binary Counter
74LS70 - 1x gated JK FLIPFLOP with preset and clear
74LS72 - 1x gated JK FLIPFLOP with preset and clear
74LS73 - Dual J-K Flip-Flop
74LS74 - Dual D-Type Flip-Flop
74LS75 - Dual 2-Bit D-Type Flip-Flop
74LS76 - Dual J-K Flip-Flop
74LS77 - 4-Bit D-Type Latch
74LS78 - Dual J-K Flip-Flop
74LS83 - 4-Bit Full Adder
74LS85 - 4-Bit Comparator
74LS86 - Quad Exclusive OR Gate
74LS90 - Decade Counter
74LS91 - 8-Bit Shift Register
74LS92 - Divide-By-12 Counter
74LS93 - 4-Bit Binary Counter
74LS94 - Four bit SHIFT register
74LS95 - 4-Bit Shift Register with Parallel Inputs and Outputs
74LS96 - 5-Bit Shift Register with Parallel Inputs and Outputs

74LS107 - Dual J-K Master Slave Flip-Flop
74LS109 - Dual J-K Flip-Flop
74LS112 - Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear
74LS113 - Dual J-K Flip-Flop
74LS114 - Dual J-K Flip-Flop
74LS116 - 2x Four bit LATCH with clear
74LS121 - Monostable Multivibrator
74LS122 - Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator
74LS123 - Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator
74LS124 - 2x Clock Generator or Voltage Controlled Oscillator
74LS125 - Quad Line Driver; 3-State Outputs
74LS126 - Quad Line Driver; 3-State Outputs
74LS128 - 4x Two input NOR, Line driver
74LS130 - Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator
74LS132 - Quad 2-Input NAND Schmitt Trigger
74LS133 - 13-Input NAND Gate
74LS134 - Twelve input NAND, Tri-state
74LS135 - 4x Two input XOR (exclusive or)
74LS136 - Quad 2-Input Exclusive OR Gates
74LS137 - 3-Line to 8-Line Demultiplexer with Address Latch
74LS138 - 3-Line to 8-Line Demultiplexer
74LS139 - 2-Line to 4-Line Decoder/Demultiplexer
74LS140 - 2x Four input NAND, 50 ohm Line Driver
74LS143 - Four bit counter and latch with 7-segment LED driver
74LS145 - BCD to Decimal Decoder/Driver
74LS147 - 10-Line to 4-Line Priority Encoder
74LS148 - 8-Line to 3-Line Priority Encoder
74LS150 - 16-1 SELECTOR (multiplexer)

74LS151 - 8-Line to 1-Line Multiplexer
74LS153 - Dual 4-Line to 1-Line Multiplexer
74LS154 - 4-Bit Binary Decoder/Demultiplexer
74LS155 - Dual 2-Bit Binary Decoders/Demultiplexer
74LS156 - Dual 2-Bit Binary Decoders/Demultiplexer
74LS157 - Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Multiplexer
74LS158 - Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Multiplexer
74LS159 - 4-16 DECODER (demultiplexer), Open collector
74LS160 - 4-Bit Synchronous Programmable Counter
74LS161 - 4-Bit Synchronous Programmable Counter
74LS162 - 4-Bit Synchronous Programmable Counter
74LS163 - 4-Bit Synchronous Programmable Counter
74LS164 - 8-Bit Shift Register with Parallel Outputs
74LS165 - 8-Bit Shift Register with Parallel Inputs
74LS166 - 8-Bit Shift Register with Parallel Inputs
74LS168 - Up/Down 4-Bit Synchronous Counter
74LS169 - Up/Down 4-Bit Synchronous Counter
74LS170 - 16-Bit RAM; Open Collector Outputs
74LS173 - 4-Bit Quad D-Type Flip-Flops; 3-State Outputs
74LS174 - Hex D-Type Flip-Flop
74LS175 - Quad D-Type Flip-Flop
74LS180 - Four bit parity checker
74LS181 - 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit
74LS182 - Look Ahead Carry Generator
74LS183 - Dual Carry-Save Full Adder
74LS190 - Synchronous Up/Down Decade Counter
74LS191 - Synchronous Up/Down 4-Bit Binary Counter
74LS192 - Synchronous Up/Down Decade Counter
74LS193 - Synchronous Up/Down 4-Bit Binary Counter
74LS194 - 4-Bit Bidirectional Shift Register
74LS195 - 4-Bit Parallel-Access Shift Register
74LS196 - Programmable Decade Counter
74LS197 - Programmable Decade Counter
74LS198 - 8-Bit parallel in and out bidirectional SHIFT register
74LS199 - 8-Bit parallel in and out bidirectional SHIFT register, JK serial input

74LS221 - Dual Monostable Multivibrator; Schmitt-Trigger Input
74LS240 - Octal Inverting Buffer/Transciever; 3-State Outputs
74LS241 - Octal Buffer/Transciever; 3-State Outputs
74LS242 - Quad 3-State Bus Transceiver
74LS243 - 4-Bit Bidirectional Bus Driver
74LS244 - Octal 3-State Noninverting Buffer
74LS245 - Octal 3-State Noninverting Bus Transceiver
74LS247 - BCD to 7-Seg Decoder/Display Driver OC (15V)
74LS248 - BCD to 7-Seg Decoder/Display Driver OC (15V)
74LS249 - BCD to 7-Seg Decoder/Display Driver OC (15V)
74LS251 - 8-Line to 1-Line Multiplexer; 3-State Outputs
74LS253 - Dual 4-Input Data Selecttor/Multiplexer 3-State
74LS256 - Dual 4-Bit Addressable Latch
74LS257 - Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Multiplexers; 3-State Outputs
74LS258 - Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Multiplexers; 3-State Outputs
74LS259 - 8-Bit Adressable Latch
74LS260 - Dual 5-Input NOR Gate
74LS266 - Quad Exclusive NOR Gate
74LS269 - 8-Bit Bidirectional Binary Counter
74LS273 - Octal D-Type Flip-Flop; Common Clock and Clear
74LS279 - Quad SR-Flip-Flops
74LS280 - 9-Bit Parity checker
74LS283 - 4-Bit Full Adder
74LS290 - 4-Bit Decade/Binary Counter
74LS298 - Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Multiplexers with Latch
74LS299 - 8-Bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Register

74LS322 - 8-Bit Sign-Extend Shift Register
74LS323 - 8-Bit Universal Shift Register with Latch
74LS348 - 8-Line to 3-Line Priority Encoder with 3-State Outputs
74LS352 - Dual 4-Line to 1-Line Multiplexers
74LS353 - Dual 4-Line to 1-Line Multiplexers with 3-State Outputs
74LS365 - Hex Bus Line Drivers
74LS366 - 3-State Hex Line Driver
74LS367 - Hex Bus Line Drivers
74LS368 - Hex Inverting Bus Line Drivers
74LS373 - Octal D-Type Latch
74LS374 - Octal D-Type Flip-Flop
74LS375 - Quad D-Type Latch
74LS377 - Octal D-Type Flip-Flop
74LS378 - Hex D-Type Flip-Flop
74LS379 - Quad D-Type Flip-Flop
74LS386 - Quad 2-Input Exclusive OR Gates
74LS390 - Dual Decade Counters
74LS393 - Dual Decade Counters
74LS395 - 4-Bit Shift Register with 3-State Outputs
74LS398 - Quad 2-Input Register
74LS399 - Quad 2-Input Register
74LS490 - Dual Decade Counter

74LS521 - 8-Bit Identity Comparator
74LS533 - Octal D-Type Transparent Latch
74LS534 - Octal Invering D-Type Flip-Flop
74LS538 - 1-OF-8 Decoder with 3-State Outputs
74LS540 - 8-Bit Inverting Line Driver
74LS541 - Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-State Outputs
74LS543 - Octal Registered Transceiver, Non-Inverting3-State
74LS544 - Octal Registered Transceiver, Inverting3-State
74LS568 - 4-Bit Bidirectional Counter (with 3-State Outputs)
74LS569 - 4-Bit Synchronous Counter
74LS574 - 8-Bit D-Type Flip-Flop/Bus Driver
74LS579 - 8-Bit Bidirectional Binary Counter (3-State)

74LS620 - Octal Bus Transcievers with 3-State Outputs
74LS623 - Octal Bus Transcievers
74LS629 - Voltage Controlled Oscilator
74LS640 - Octal Bus Transciever
74LS646 - Octal Bus Transciever
74LS648 - Octal Bus Transciever/Register
74LS657 - Octal Bidirectional Transciever with 8-Bit Parity Generator Checker
74LS669 - 4-Bit Synchronous Up/Down Counter
74LS670 - 4-By-4 Register File; 3-State Outputs
74LS682 - 8-Bit Magnitude/Identity Comparator
74LS684 - 8-Bit Magnitude Comparators
74LS688 - 8-Bit Magnitude Comparators
74LS748 - 8-Line to 3-Line Priority Encoder
74LS779 - 8-Bit Bidirectional Binary Counter (3-State)
74LS795 - Octal Buffer with 3-State Outputs
74LS848 - 8-Line to 3-Line Priority Encoder with 3-State Outputs

74LS2245 - 25Ohm Octal Bidirectional Transceiver, 3-State Inputs and Outputs
74LS3893 - Quad Future Bus Backplane Transceiver (3-State, Open Collector)


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