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Showing posts from June 18, 2020

Buku Pengetahuan Dasar Elektronika Analog dan Digital (Edisi Revisi)

                Alhamdulillah nuku yang berjudul "Pengetahuan Dasar Elektronika Analog dan Digital" yang diterbitkan oleh YKT Publisher telah diterima oleh masyarakat pembaca buku-buku teknik, sehingga di pasaran cukup laku keras. Mungkin karena itulah maka banyak yang berusaha membajak buku tersebut dan menjualnya dengan harga, namun dengan kwalitas kertas di bawah standard. Untuk menghindari pembajakan tersebut dan sekaligus untuk meningkatkan mutu isi materi buku tersebut pihak penulis dan penerbit telah merevisi buku tersebut dengan tampilan baru dan menambah isi materiagar lebih lengkap.             Buku ini membahas tentang konsep-konsep dasar elektronika baik elektronika analog maupun elektronika digital, pengenalan komponen-komponen dasar elektronika baik komponen pasif seperti resistor, kapasitor dan induktor (lilitan) maupun komponen aktif (semikonduktor) seperti dioda, transistor, FET, MOSFET, UJT, IGBT, DI...

Flood monitoring.

Monitoring is an essential component of natural flooding management, helping to define appropriate measures, measure their success, keep stakeholders informed, identify mistakes, raise alarms when necessary, inform adaptive management and help guide future research. Great Fen showing Holme Fen woods top left and new ponds and meres in April Flooding is a natural process, but it endangers lives and causes heavy economic loss. Furthermore, flood risk is expected to increase with climate change and increased urbanisation, so a heavy responsibility lies with those that allocate funding and formulate flood management strategy. In the following article, Nigel Grimsley from OTT Hydromet explains how the success of such plans (both the design and implementation) depend on the accuracy and reliability of the monitoring data upon which they rely. Climate projections for Britain suggest that rainfall will increase in winter and decrease in summer, and that individual rainfall events may i...

Counter dan Keep Pada PLC OMRON

Gambar 1 Pada gambar 1 diatas, nilai counter (CNT10) akan tercapai selama pulsa (P_1s=1dtk) panah no.1 yaitu (1detik x 10), sesuai dengan nilai pada counter tersebut yaitu #10 panah no.2 . Saat nilai counter tercapai maka output Q1.00 akan menjadi 1 atau ON, dan memori  Q1.00 panah no.3 akan tetap ON selama belum di reset oleh counter (CNT11), apabila (CNT11) nilainya tercapai yaitu mengcounter selama 10 detik pula, hal itu akan menyebabkan output Q1.00 menjadi 0 atau OFF. Pada program diatas, menjadikan output Q1.00 akan berulang hidup-mati selama 10 detik. Program tersebut dapat di download disin i


INSTRUMENTS SHORT DEFINITION CONTROL VALVES:- Control valve is a small control element, used for controlling process parameter. Controlling process parameter is flow,pressure,temperature,level etc., TYPES OF VALVES:-   Ball, Butterfly, Gate, Globe, Needle, Plug, Diaphragm and Non Return valve etc. VALVE ACCESSORY:- A device mounted on the actuator to complement the actuators function.   Make it a complete operating unit; Examples include positioners , supply pressure, regulators, solenoids and limit switches. ACTUATOR:-   A pneumatic hydraulic or electrically powered device that supplies force and motion to open or close the valve. Actuator Assembly :-   An actuator including all the pertinent accessories that make it a complete operating unit. VALVES CAPACITY:-   The rate of flow through a valve under stated conditions. CONTROLLER:-   A device that operates automatically by use of same established algorithm to regulate a controlled variable.   The...