• Each topic should be clearly headlined.• Important words or phrases should be written in bold letters.
• Justifying Pictures should be pasted related to each topic.
• Wherever charts are required, they should be scaled and made on separated pages.
Chapter 1
THE HOTEL & CATERING INDUSTRYA. Introduction to the Hotel Industry
B. Global hospitality industry
C. Indian hospitality industry
D. Role of Catering establishment in the travel/tourism industry
E. Types of F&B operations
F. Classification of Commercial, Residential/Non-residential
G. Welfare Catering - Industrial/Institutional/Transport such as air, road, rail, sea, etc.
H. Organization of food and beverage catering industry (Structure of the catering industry)- a brief description of each
Note: add pictures related to each topics
Chapter 2
DEPARTMENTAL ORGANISATION & STAFFINGA. Organisation of F&B department of hotel
B. Principal staff of various types of F&B operations
C. French terms related to F&B staff
D. Duties & responsibilities of F&B staff
E. Attributes of a waiter
F. Inter-departmental relationships
(Within F&B and other department)
Chapter 3
FOOD SERVICE AREAS (F & B OUTLETS)Classification of food and beverage outlets in a hotel
A. Specialty Restaurants
B. Coffee Shop
-Difference between coffee shop and specialty restaurant
C. Cafeteria
D. Fast Food (Quick Service Restaurants)
E. Grill Room
F. Banquets
G. Bar
H. Vending Machines
I. Discotheque
Chapter 4
B. Food pick-up area
C. Store
D. Linen room
E. Kitchen stewarding
Note: In chapter 3 and 4 add pictures related to each topic
Chapter 5
F & B SERVICE EQUIPMENTFamiliarization & Selection factors of:
- Cutlery
- Crockery
- Glassware
- Flatware
- Hollowware
Note: pictures and sizes of all equipments are compulsory
Chapter 6
NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESClassification (Nourishing, Stimulating and Refreshing beverages)
A. Tea
- Origin & Manufacture
- Types & Brands
B. Coffee
- Origin & Manufacture
- Types & Brands
C. Juices and Soft Drinks and water
D. Cocoa & Malted Beverages
- Origin & Manufacture
Note: add pictures related to each topics
Remarks: handouts which are given in classroom also to be added in between the concerned topic.
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