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Start Board Development

Start Board Development Begin the test development by creating or opening a board directory. To create a new board, 1    Select  File  >  New . Figure 3-2    Create a new board 2    Specify the board directory to create, and use the Browse buttons to specify the locations of the board and board_xy files. 3    Click  Create Board . To open an existing board, select  File  >  Open  to locate the file. Or select  File  >  Reopen  to select from a list of recently opened files. When you open an existing board, the window opens at the task you were working on when you last saved the board. Figure 3-3    Configuration > Start Board Development

Objectives of Configuration Phase

The  Configuration  Phase defines the features and options for testing a board. Select  Configuration  in the Phases panel to perform the tasks in this phase: Start Board Development : Create or open a board file. Target Configuration : Define the configuration of the test system. Board Configuration : Modify the board options. Fixture Configuration : Modify the fixture defaults and define custom fixture components. You can create a new configuration by filling in the fields and options, or import and edit data from templates. You can also save the new configuration to templates for future use. As board test development can be done on any workstation, the software does not check that the features and options that you enable for the test are actually available on the target test system. Figure 3-1    Configuration tasks

BT-Basic Statements for Board Graphics Highlight

BT-Basic Statements for Board Graphics Highlight The ICT Browser will automatically be launched if the following highlight device/nodes statements are encountered in a testplan. The devices/nodes in question will be listed in the  Highlight  tab of the Browser. board graphics highlight device board graphics highlight active device board graphics highlight pass device board graphics highlight fail device board graphics highlight nodes board graphics highlight active nodes board graphics highlight pass nodes board graphics highlight fail nodes board graphics highlight clear all For information about these statements, refer to  Syntax Reference .

Finding Pins on the Board

Finding Pins on the Board The Locator function helps you to find pins on the board. Using the guided (handheld) probe, touch any pin on the board and let the Locator guide you towards the target pin. 1    Select the  Locator  tab. 2    Specify the pin you want to find (target pin): select the type from the  Find  drop-down list and enter all or part of the name, then click  Go . The target pin is centered in the graphics display area ( Figure 2-6 ). Figure 2-6    Target pin 3    Start the Locator: select  Probe  or  Mint pin  from the  Locate  drop-down list, then click  OK . 4    When the Probe Status indicates  Ready , with the handheld probe touch any pin on the board near the target pin. (If you selected  Manual  start, you have to click the  Start  button after touching the pin. The default is  Auto  star...

Viewing Highlighted Devices

The ICT browser will automatically be launched whenever highlight device/nodes statements are encountered in the testplan being run. The devices/nodes in question are listed in the  Highlight  tab as shown in  Figure 2-5 . (While the testplan is running, keep the ICT Browser window in the background. The list of highlighted devices and nodes will continue to be updated as the tests are run.) From the ICT Browser window, you can press  F4  to stop the testplan and  F1  to continue running the testplan. Navigate through the tree in the  Highlight  tab to view information on the highlighted devices or nodes. In the graphics display, the selected item is highlighted accordingly. Figure 2-5    View details of highlighted component

Browsing or Searching for Features

The  Search  tab lists the features of the current board and fixture in a component tree. Navigate through the tree to view information on individual components. When you select an item, additional details about the item are displayed in the Coordinates and Instructions areas at the top of the window. For example,  Figure 2-3  shows details of the selected resistor. The focus crosshair pinpoints its location in the graphics display area. Additional categories below the device in the component tree show further details ( Figure 2-4 ). Search for a feature You can also search for an item by type and/or name. At the top of the  Search  tab, select the type from the  Find  drop-down list and enter all or part of the name, then click  Go . The item found will be highlighted in the component tree as well as the graphics display area. The focus crosshair pinpoints its location in the graphics display. Figure 2-3    Brow...

Changing the Display Settings

Changing the Display Settings Use the zoom buttons at the top left of the window to adjust the size of the board graphics.  Full View  resizes the graphics to fit in the display area. You can also choose whether to show the focus crosshair. The focus crosshair helps you pinpoint the location of an item in the graphics display area. Use the  Visibility Controls  tab ( Figure 2-2 ) to select: The side of the board to display. The features to display. Figure 2-2    Choose the features to display