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Showing posts from July, 2020

Ever since Elon Musk uttered the word autopilot nividea

Ever since Elon Musk uttered the word autopilot, completely hands-off driving has been something all of us have been expecting in our next car. Unfortunately year after year, as it gets delayed, it seems more like a pipe dream. Sure, it probably is still coming, but as long as Tesla seems like the only one developing one, we're going to have a bad time. Not only because of the limited resources but the incentives aren't there. Fortunately for us, others think they can resolve the problem. Now Mercedes-Benz has signed a contract with Nvidia to produce them a car computer that would handle simpler things like OTA updates as well as autonomous driving. The aim is to finish the project by 2024 with autonomous driving level 2 and 3 and parking at level 4, similar to what Teslas are capable at the moment. Autonomous driving experience is rated at levels from zero to 5, the latter being complete autopilot without the need of user controls, the former, well, zero autonomy. Nvidia is an...

considering postponing the iPhone launch

The COVID-19 crisis has affected a lot of industries is numerous different ways. For airlines and hotels it's been destructive but even technology companies have had their issues. While China got through the epidemic fairly quickly and restarted production only after a month of pause, two at most, the cooperation between manufacturing in China and product design in Europe and the US was more complicated. Among the affected was Apple, whose production was stalled and the development teams couldn't visit factories to make sure everything is running as planned. Rumors as early as March had it that Apple is  considering postponing the iPhone launch . This, however, might not be the case anymore,  Nikkei reports . After long hours after things have moved on, Apple has slowly managed to claw back time. According to the paper, Apple was three months behind schedule at the thick of it, which could've meant that this would've been the first year since the introduction of the iPh...

Tampilan Dasar Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Basic Code  | Microsoft Visual Basic selain disebut sebagai bahasa pemrograman (Language Program), Visual Basic juga sering disebut sebagai sarana (Tool) untuk menghasilkan program-program aplikasi windows. Yang secara umum ada beberapa manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari penggunaan program Microsoft Visual Basic itu sendiri, diantaranya : Dapat digunakan dalam membuat program aplikasi berbasis Windows. Dapat digunakan dalam membuat objek-objek pembantu program, seperti fasilitas Help, kontrol ActiveX, Aplikasi Internet, dan sebagainya. Serta digunakan untuk menguji program (Debugging) dan menghasilkan program akhir nantinya, dalam bentuk Exe yang sifatnya Executable atau dengan kata lain dapat langsung digunakan. Sebelum mempelajari cara membuat Aplikasi dari Program Visual Basic itu sendiri sebagai langkah awal, ada baiknya kita harus mengetahui dan mengenal terlebih dahulu apa-apa saja yang terdapat pada Program Visual Basic ini yang menjadi pengetahuan dasar kita untuk mulai mela...